慶應義塾大学 湘南キャンパス 秋山美紀研究室 Miki Akiyama Lab

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HOME > About Lab > 研究会2 健康の社会的決定要因(Social Determinants of Health)

研究会2 健康の社会的決定要因(Social Determinants of Health)

この研究会は、一人一人が健やかで幸せな状態(Wellbeing)になっていくようなコミュニティのあり方を考えたり、包摂社会(inclusive society)の実現に向けた実践を志向する人が、切磋琢磨しながら議論する場です。
背景として,個人や集団の健康状態に違いをもたらす様々な社会的・経済的な要因(Social Determinants of Health=SDH)に注目が集まる中、様々な生きづらさを抱える人々に目を向け、社会的ストレス等を含め彼らが抱える課題を解決することが以前にも増して求められていることがあります。

<in English>
The social determinants of health (SDH) are the non-medical factors such as the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, that influence health outcomes. We welcome students who value an inclusive society and community for health and wellbeing of individuals.
Each study group will deepen discussions on their own topic and conduct field activities.
Some examples of issues carried out in the past were parent-child relationships, mental health, sex and gender, and end-of-life. In addition to these topics, making connection and creating community in the post-corona era is important thus, students who are interested in such topics are also welcome. We are open for the diversity.
