Practiced Positive Thinking. (June 30)
Good day, this is Huynh Hanh Nguyen, normally go by 'Finn'.
I'm currently a 3rd year under GIGA, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies.
Although I am writing in English right now, hopefully I can submit an entry in Japanese in the future!
For today's 5th period, our Mental Health group had a very fascinating time trying out Positive Thinking and Art Therapy as interventions for mental health treatment.
The Positive Thinking therapy was introduced by Risa-san, and its main focus was expressive writing.
We spent about 15 minutes writing down three good things that happened to us today, then sharing what we wrote with each other.
This activity made me realize the small good things that I hardly ever notice, and I think that it would be a remarkable self-help therapy with daily practice.
Our group then tried out an Art Therapy exercise that I suggested, which was called "The lighthouse".
This activity involved imagining and drawing your ideal lighthouse if you were to be lost in a stormy ocean, thereby realizing your thoughts about the future.
It was very refreshing for me to see different viewpoints from my group members. We also tried out a Positive Thinking activity involving writing about someone we admire.
For me, this was a great way to remind myself of how I want to live my life.
After the group session, I was able to hear about the progress of other groups as well.
The ACP group seemed to have made progress in learning about making case studies with advices from Sensei.
The ACP group's focus is on the overall flow and settings, and I think that their presentation is very worth looking forward to.
The Parenting group presented a very interesting video about Parent Training. It seemed that through communication, mindsets of parents can really be changed for the better.
I have never come across the concept of Parent Training before, so I really want to know more about the practical application of this idea.
The Gender group was working on their final presentation, figuring out what they want to accomplish and realize. Personally,
I find their idea on presenting about gender stigma is very intriguing, so I'm really excited to see their presentation.
Everyone worked hard today! I look forward to the next class!
(環境情報学部3年 Huynh Hanh Nguyen)